dear friends
On Wednesday, the 12th of September, as part of our ministry in Tottenham, England, we will begin our first community discussion group on Christian Spirituality. It’s taken us nearly three years of building relationships throughout the community to get to this point, but we finally feel that the time is right. Many of our relationships, however, are with Muslims (predominately), Hindus, and Buddhists, and so this new programming will, no doubt, bring many questions and even concerns for them.
With that in mind, on the weekend of September 7-10, myself and Jamie, as well as our team of volunteers, will be holding a 60 hour prayer vigil for our local ministry in Tottenham and for the beginning of our Christian discussion groups. It is our hope to have people praying with us throughout the world. The following are links to time zone sensitive sign up sheets, along with information about our project and a copy of the prayer guide.
It would be our honour if you would join us in prayer and even find a few of your friends and loved ones who might join us as well. As you can see, the time slots are only 30 minutes in length, so we are not asking for a huge commitment, though we would also be happy for you to sign up for as many of those slots as you like!
Once you and your loved ones have signed up, please send us the details so that we can add you to our own vigil sheet. It is our hope to have somebody praying during each of the 30 minute slots throughout that weekend. It would be great if we could receive these back by the 5th of September, the Wednesday before our vigil is to take place. Incidentally, if you don’t think that you can get people signed up, but would still like to sign up for a slot yourself, please feel free to simply let us know and we’ll get you added to our own vigil sheet.
Thank you in advance for all that your prayers will mean for our community. We will do our best to keep you updated on the work that God continues to do through your support. May God bless you as you serve your own local communities!
Tim & Jamie Miller
Hi readers. First of all, thank you to all of you who have already responded with emails and sign ups. They have been very encouraging for us and we’re excited about the weekend.
By popular demand, below is a form that you can use to easily sign up for our vigil. If you'll be signing up several people, the downloadable forms above are what you'll need. If it's just yourself, the form below will make it easy. Either way, please be sure to download the Information and Prayer Guide docoment above.
With that in mind, on the weekend of September 7-10, myself and Jamie, as well as our team of volunteers, will be holding a 60 hour prayer vigil for our local ministry in Tottenham and for the beginning of our Christian discussion groups. It is our hope to have people praying with us throughout the world. The following are links to time zone sensitive sign up sheets, along with information about our project and a copy of the prayer guide.
It would be our honour if you would join us in prayer and even find a few of your friends and loved ones who might join us as well. As you can see, the time slots are only 30 minutes in length, so we are not asking for a huge commitment, though we would also be happy for you to sign up for as many of those slots as you like!
Once you and your loved ones have signed up, please send us the details so that we can add you to our own vigil sheet. It is our hope to have somebody praying during each of the 30 minute slots throughout that weekend. It would be great if we could receive these back by the 5th of September, the Wednesday before our vigil is to take place. Incidentally, if you don’t think that you can get people signed up, but would still like to sign up for a slot yourself, please feel free to simply let us know and we’ll get you added to our own vigil sheet.
Thank you in advance for all that your prayers will mean for our community. We will do our best to keep you updated on the work that God continues to do through your support. May God bless you as you serve your own local communities!
Tim & Jamie Miller
Hi readers. First of all, thank you to all of you who have already responded with emails and sign ups. They have been very encouraging for us and we’re excited about the weekend.
By popular demand, below is a form that you can use to easily sign up for our vigil. If you'll be signing up several people, the downloadable forms above are what you'll need. If it's just yourself, the form below will make it easy. Either way, please be sure to download the Information and Prayer Guide docoment above.